Thursday, December 17, 2009

Reflections on Media150,

As this semester ends, I've been asked to reflect on my experience in Media 150. I found this course to be very educational and informative. I think I took a lot out from both the lecture, as well as the lab sections.

In general, I believe I learn better from lecture-type environments, and professors Anderson and Lucas were excellent at gaining my interest as well as increasing my knowledge in a variety of subjects. I also appreciated that I was able to apply what I learned in their lectures through my lab sessions. I found the lecture/lab on lighting to be the most interesting, personally. Since that day, I've looked at most television and movies differently. I now take into consideration the work and strain that a lighting director must have, and the amount of effort that goes into each individual shot, for each individual actor.

I also really liked the hands on approach we took with learning Photoshop and other computer programs. This was all very new to me, and I found it incredibly useful. My only wish was that perhaps we had gone a little bit slower, or had more time to work on our projects, as I'm not advanced as a lot of the other students and needed some time and help to figure out what exactly I was doing.

Over all, I definitely enjoyed this course, and look forward to taking Media 160 in the future.

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